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C’mon student body—it’s time to join a club

With the school year beginning, many people may be looking for a way to find new friends or a hobby to occupy their time. Seniors may be searching for a way to improve their college applications, which they will be submitting in the near future. A great way to find new friends, as well as expanding your extracurriculars, is to join a club.

Riverview offers many clubs, and from Surf Club to Theatre Club, there is a club that could strike anyone’s interest.

Jaiden Smith ‘19 takes part in many clubs, including Key Club, National Honor Society and Spanish National Honor Society. When asked about her participation in Key Club, Smith explained that it’s about helping the community.

“We do a lot of volunteer events and service projects to help children or the elderly,” she said.

She also adds that any service event in which they take part earns them volunteers hours as well. Many students also join Key Club, as it it as a great way to make new friends. Key Club meets every Monday after school in Rm. 7-201.

Senior Nick Sanchez is involved in various clubs offered at Riverview, one being German Honor Society. German Honor Society recognizes students who have excelled in German for two or more years.

According to Sanchez, members of German Honors Society go to German restaurants and events, such as Octoberfest, which is held at Sarasota Square Mall, where they discuss current events in Germany. The purpose of this club is to pique students’ interests in German culture. Members meet once every two weeks in Rm. 5-337, with Dr. Eva Bogard

If you are interested in any clubs, including Dance Marathon, class boards, (Florida Future Educators of America), Future Farmers of America (FFA) and many more can contact Chad Smith in 5-304 to find more information.

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