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Hu prepares for S.P.I.N. night

Student-Parent Information Night (SPIN) night is a perfect opportunity for students to get more information about the clubs that are offered at Riverview and how prospective students can get involved. This year's SPIN event is Feb. 13, and the campus will be open from 6-8 p.m.

All clubs will be setting up booths in the courtyard for next help freshmen and their parents to visit. One of those clubs, Papillon, is all about welcoming freshmen.

Ashlyn Hu ‘19 is the president of Papillon Club, a club that mentors incoming freshmen and helps them become more comfortable in the high school environment by getting involved in school and community projects. Hu has been involved in Papillon since her own freshman year, and she notes that the club made her “grow socially as well as academically.”

The goal of SPIN night is to help students find a club that interests them to get them more involved. SPIN night is also a great opportunity for the clubs at Riverview to promote themselves. Hu says that SPIN night is important for the Papillon club because “it gives clubs an opportunity to reach out to people and explain the club’s purpose and intentions. Representatives of different clubs have a chance to explain the events they participate in and get new members excited about what is up and coming,” she said.

SPIN night brings the different communities of Riverview together and highlights the opportunities that Riverview has to offer. The information night the best way for clubs to shine a positive light on the reasons why students should join the club and expresses what the clubs are truly about.

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