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HERO Program implemented on campus

As the school year approaches an end, students and staff prepare for the new year to follow with scheduling and final exams, but another significant transition being administered is the new Hero Program.

This program entails each student owning an scannable ID, which will be read using either a mobile scanner kept by each administrator, or a standalone scanner around campus.

When a student has a low-level disciplinary issue such as tardiness, dress code violation, hallway loitering or behavioral issues, he or she will be asked by an administrator to scan his or her ID. The student will then receive a ticket marked with an assigned discipline, whether that is a warning, detention or referral.

Administrative staff has been trained this month to understand how to use the technology effectively. These ID’s were distributed to freshmen, sophomores and juniors throughout the month of April during their English periods.

Asst. Principal Greg Rumph, who introduced the program, acknowledges that for many students, “having an ID card to scan will not change their day-to-day routines at school. However, for others who frequently skip or come late to class, this system will serve as a form of a tracking device, keeping students accountable and responsible for their actions.”

As these changes were introduced to classrooms and implemented across the school on April 15, both teachers and students hope to benefit from increased instructional time and enforced timely attendance.

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