Brielle Campbell is an uprising junior, which makes her a proud member of the class of 2022. She is a third-year cheerleader at RHS and is now part of the Varsity team. She loves Grey’s Anatomy, cooking and playing with her dogs. She is very active in Student Council, and she has even been vice president of her class since her freshman year.
Campbell thoroughly enjoys writing for the Ram Page, but when asked what she enjoys most about it, she explained that she loves the fact that it allows her to always keep up-to-date on everything that is going on around campus.
“Working for the Ram Page gives me the ability to connect with students, teachers, staff and faculty around Riverview. I love my school, and it is so exciting to me that I can write about what makes it so special,” she said.
While the new online platform may have its downfalls, Campbell is very optimistic that it can be something amazing. For what seems like forever, the Ram Page has been printed every third week and dispersed that Friday to students in their first period classes. Unfortunately, a lot of interesting stories and events have gotten lost in the mix. The new editor explained how the switch from traditional printing to online should help to alleviate this issue.
“I’m really excited that we are going digital because it gives Ram Page the opportunity to write about all of the awesome things that happen at Riverview in a timelier manner. Some things are too interesting in the moment to wait three weeks to read!“ she said.
Her goal for this year is to start social media for Ram Page, in order to keep students informed when a new article is posted. This is a great opportunity to expand the publication’s outreach to all over the country, alumni and Riverview families.
This year Campbell hopes to have student involvement from all grade levels featured in stories , so all students feel represented and want to read what she and her staff work so hard to put out.
Most importantly, Ram Page’s new editor is excited for this year, and she wants the students of RHS to share her enthusiasm.
“While this school year is uncertain, one thing students should be confident in is that they will always be informed. I want students of RHS to be informed about the exciting things, and in the loop on all of the important things. That’s why my priority is keeping the Ram Page up to date, and relevant,” she said.